Important Notice Regarding Warranty Contact Information** Please note that our Warranty division does not have a direct phone number for incoming calls. Due to receiving a high volume of calls that do not pertain to warranties, we have implemented a streamlined system for contacting Warranty services. To reach our Warranty team, please send an email to requesting a call back. This email-based system has proven to be efficient and effective in addressing warranty-related inquiries. We kindly ask for your understanding as Fraser Engines receives approximately 3000 calls per day. By utilizing the provided email, we assure you that your warranty needs will be handled promptly and professionally. We value your time and aim to provide you with the respect and service you deserve. Please remember that submitting a warranty claim is an important process, and we are committed to assisting you every step of the way. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact Fraser Engines customer support for assistance.