Mopar OEM Chrysler 5.7L Crate Engine (2013-2016)
Mopar OEM Chrysler 5.7L Crate Engine (2013-2018) Mopar OEM Chrysler 5.7L Crate Engine (2013-2016) 7 Year FRASER PLUS™ Warranty Included $ 4499 00 CORE DEPOSIT
The Gen. III Mopar 5.7L Hemi engine was 345 cu. in., big for a small block, and more powerful than its predecessors, while producing more torque as well.
The block was cast iron, with a substantial deep-skirt build. It had a hemispherical combustion chamber with two spark plugs per cylinder.
The crankshaft is a four-bolt support per main bearing. It had a cylinder bore diameter of 3.92 in., and a stroke of 3.58 in.
The connecting rods are powdered metal and an I-beam style.
The cylinder head is solid aluminum with square exhaust ports, and the combustion chamber volume is 85cc.
The lifters feature hydraulic rollers with die-cast rocker arms.
The total engine weight, fully dressed is 560 lbs. (Your crate engine weight will vary, and you should check with your Fraser Sales Representative for exact details.)
Click here to see the spec sheet
Block, Heads, Gasket Set, Oil Pump, and a 3-year warranty.*
Block, Crankshaft, Rods, Heads, Bearings, Rings, Pistons, Gasket Set, Melling Oil Pump, Camshaft, Lifters, and a 4-year warranty.*
(It’s stronger than the factory OEM engine.)
Block, Crankshaft, Rods, Heads, Bearings, Rings, Pistons, Gasket Set, Melling Oil Pump, Camshaft, Lifters, Water Pump, Thermostat, Air Filter, Oil Filter, and Spark Plugs, and a 5-year warranty.*
Fraser Engine Company’s high-durability remanufactured engines feature:
Engine blocks that are magnafluxed.
Cylinders bored and precision honed.
Main saddles line honed to exacting OE specifications.
Camshaft bearing line bored for an accurate center-to-center clearance.
Engine blocks and cylinder heads precision surfaced to ensure proper sealing.
Cylinder heads magnafluxed or dye checked and machined for three-angle valve seats.
Crankshafts are stress-relieved, precision ground, and micro-polished for optimum durability and surface finish.
Camshafts precision ground or replaced with new ones to maintain the OE profile.
Each engine is SIM tested for compression, oil pressure, oil leaks, unusual engine noise, and general operating condition before shipment.
Note: Ask your Sales Associate if the engine you are purchasing will or will not ship with a finishing gasket set: (oil pan, valve cover, intake, etc).
All Fraser remanufactured engines include includes a warranty with Unlimited Miles, and Parts & Labor. The Gold Standard Option adds a No-Fault feature, with a one-time free replacement, with no questions asked!)
*The length of the warranty varies by the Option you choose.
Click here to see this amazing engine’s remanufacturing details.
Mopar OEM Chrysler 5.7L Crate Engine (2013-2018) Mopar OEM Chrysler 5.7L Crate Engine (2013-2016) 7 Year FRASER PLUS™ Warranty Included $ 4499 00 CORE DEPOSIT
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